The project “Europe and the Union” took part in Bansko, Bulgaria from July 10th till July 18th in the year 2021. The project is co-founded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
6 teams from different European countries participated in the project: Turkey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Latvia, Armenia, and Georgia. For 10 days participants discovered such topics as European values, fake news, institutions of European Union, opportunities for young people, common problems, and challenges in project countries.
The main questions we are focusing on are:
What is Europe? What is the EU? How does the EU work? What is the historical development? How can I benefit from the EU? Which current challenges do we identify in Europe? How can we solve common problems?
This project contributed to the development of Key Competences such as different aspects of Media Literacy, Foreign Language Skills, Critical Thinking, Public Speaking, Organising Skills and International Teamwork.

Young Folks is a youth community, based in Riga, Liepaja, Daugavpils and Jelgava. The main age of our youngsters is 12-25 y.o.
We want every young person to have an opportunity of selffulfilment, of finding their favourite occupation, earning their money on that and being happy.

It's a non-governmental, non-profit making organization working in the territory of Blagoevgrad region. The main objective is to encourage personal and professional development of young people as well as adults through non formal education and also the building up and development of active citizenship among them. The organization is an alternative for young people in the region to realize their potential and become an active part of the society.

Youth Association DRONI is a non-governmental organization with the mission to promote the establishment of a modern, healthy, educated and perfect society. In order to meet this task the association has been implementing the educational and youth development programs.
The organisation aims are to support the young people’s physical, spiritual and educational development and to develop educational initiatives in the field of civil society, conflict resolution, human rights and peace-building, to promote intercultural relations in Georgian society or Youth.

LOGOS is an organisation actively operating in Poland and Ukraine. LOGIS work as partners, friends, family. LOGOS are united by the same values and intention to make a positive change. Members and volunteers live and work in more countries though.

The main goal of the organisation is to bring the idea of intercultural cooperation to Ukrainian young people providing them with various opportunities to explore the world and broaden their outlook. Three main areas of work of the organisation are: international exchanges, non-formal education and tolerance popularisation

“World Independent Youth Union” organization (WIYU) is a self-governed, non-profit, non-governmental educational organization.

Our NGO is founded in 2005. Its aim is to encourage youngsters to sport and social activities.
Our organization began functioning in September 2005. From the very beginning, its main aim was to encourage the youngsters to practice sport and do various social activities.
We provide our volunteers and youngsters with diving lessons and encourage them to participate in swimming tournaments.
I learned a lot about the EU. The most important things are probably about ERASMUS+ projects, how many opportunities they provide, what youngsters they would be most suitable and helpful for. I appreciate the knowledge I received about EU institutions and values, and essential knowledge for me is about different countries, their cultures, political situations, and representatives' opinions on various topics.


I found out a lot of new information about European Union, namely its values, important issues and the solutions that could solve the problems that arise. I feel inspired, experienced and delightful. For now I'm fully satisfied with the results of the project.

What i had learnt is how the people from EU countries and non-eu countries are feeling about being in the EU and what they expect from the eu. I feel much more into the problems that the people are trying to solve.also I saw that Bulgaria is not the only country which faces different type of problems with the EU.

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